NHS Update – Covid-10 – Please do your bit to support the NHS and book your Covid-19 Booster and Flu Jabs today
NHS urges people to do their bit as COVID-19 patients increase
Published: September 15, 2022

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The NHS in Devon is reporting that the number of patients in hospital that have tested positive for COVID-19 has risen to 250.
This is roughly five times the number when compared to early September.
People are urged to support the NHS by having the seasonal COVID-19 booster and flu vaccination if eligible, by staying away from hospitals, care homes and other healthcare facilities if they have symptoms of flu or COVID-19 and by using the most appropriate service for your needs.
Local pharmacies can help with minor ailments and you can call NHS 111 or visit the NHS 111 website for more urgent needs.
Please do your bit to support the NHS – Get your booster and flu jab